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Showing posts from September, 2017

unpublicised skate docu

one project i personally enjoyed in my skateboarding life as a filmer learning videography back in 2014. sad the production was made off bureuacratic egotistic psychotic plastic pieces of $#% who wanted to explore the skate scene ,squandering the budget..


                                            THE NUMBSKULLS An avid rider would never and not underestimate the relationship of a rider-skate shop- merchandise existence where s/he is based .it  basically means all, it the deep skate feed culture hence GROWTH. The key word! the scene has to grow though  underground,struggling,sponsored or not,d.i.y name it all. To keep it brief this what numbskull is doing as a rider owned company who i sesh alot with and his crew saw a need to nurture the  budding skatecrats on local tutorials to help those trying tricks out there. The first demo we have Sharukh shah a.k.a Shark on a numbskull tutorial on the BASIC! skateboarding beginner trick.not to mention the rider was once a Nairobi KING OF SKATE winner( more on Nairobi king of skate will be posted on the next blogs...stay informed...)     uhuru gardens again!                numbskull presents; Uhuru gardens again

unpublicised skate docu

one project i personally enjoyed in my skateboarding life as a filmer learning videography back in 2014. sad the production was made off bureuacratic egotistic psychotic plastic pieces of $#% who wanted to explore the skate scene ,squandering the budget..